​​​The Death of Cinderella

She simply wanted a home where she was loved

Fairy-tale Fragment One
Cinderella’s Birth

As her ear drums vibrated she started to hear
As her retinas imaged she started to see
Her early days were joyful
without pain

Gradually the time-sounds became fragments of her mind
The space-images became fragments of her mind
Time-sounds and space-images fused
Cinderella existed

She was real
She was Cinderella
Love had created her past
as loneliness would create her future

Fairy-tale Fragment Two

Button's Lament

In this silent space
I sit and wait
for you

I hear your voice in every voice I hear
I see your face in every face I see
I long for you

I know that you’ll never appear
What would I do if you did?
What could I say?

Fairy-tale Fragment Three
Prince Charming's Dream

Please join me
You are so beautiful

Speak to me
Rescue me from loneliness
Enable me to become once again the central character in my story

Listen to me
Share my memories
Encourage me to resume the narrative of my self-importance

Fairy-tale Fragment Four
The Sisters’ Instructions

Clean up the house and explore the different existential questions
regarding the future of humanity

Examine postdigital anxieties and the social conditions
from which they arose

Explore the state of current neurological research projects
in relation to our experiences of time and space

Carry out an investigation into the latest marketing strategies
which influence thinking and behavior

List the different approaches employed to motivate and trigger
the collective imagination of the world

Fairy-tale Fragment Five
Baron Hardup’s Lament

Her voice was ever soft
gentle and low      an excellent thing in woman

I know when one is dead and when one lives.
She's gone for ever

Why should a dog   a horse   a rat   have life
and thou no breath at all?

Thou'lt come no more
Never   never   never   never   never!

                                                                                     Shakespeare - King Lear
I will never understand
why her slippers were made of glass